Red Apple Farm

Its been a tradition around here for years, but this is the first trip to the Red Apple Farm for Ethan Joseph.  Its always a great time as the weather is perfect and the destination is great.  Oh, and the company is amazing.

Here is a picture of the boys just after we loaded up on apples:


If you think of Norman Rockwell, its because, they are about as Rockwellian as it gets--short, fifties style hair, apples aplenty. Ethan had a great time watching Isaac play the role of a monkey. He climbed up trees, scurried across limbs, and swung from place to place all in the search for the perfect apple. Here he is, high up in an apple tree:


And finally, here is a shot of Ethan amongst the pumpkins, a shot I am sure will become a Beethan classic:

Tony Sculimbrene