Kid Brains and New Things

One day they are a squealing baby and the next they are sitting up and then after that its something else.  Talking to Isaac today on the way in to school we talked about how fast little kid brains are and how quickly they can learn. 

Isaac's impressive uptake at school is astounding.  He is picking up on letter sounds and site words.  He is doing a very good job reading basic books (Star Wars themed, of course).  He is also learning how to be around other kids.  Some people that started out as not friends are now fast buddies.  Its really impressive.

Beethan has been showing off his own skills.  He has becoming everyone's number one fan, as he is in love with his index finger and pointing at things.  He is also really a fan of grabbing just about anything.  If it is in his reach, and by reach I mean arm length plus fall forward body length, he is going to try to grab it.  But that is not all.  Beethan has also started making all sorts of pre-word sounds.  He is apparently encountering native South Africans on a regular basis as he has developed a complex system of clicks, not too different from Xhosa.  He also has a frog sound that is basically impossible to replicate. 

Two boys, two different stages of life, incredible learning capacities.
Tony Sculimbrene