Where the Stuffed Animals Smell Like Vanilla
This is a story that Isaac doesn't know I know about. He told Bianca and she told me, so sshhh!
Isaac going to kindergarten has been a big deal for a whole host of reasons, but one of which is his ability to interact with other kids in a long, consistent fashion. He is slowly coming to learn that the entire world isn't like his house. In some ways he is disappointed and others he wishes we were a bit like other houses.
In particular he has friend named Benjamin. Isaac has always liked Benjamin from the first minute he met him. They are both talkative, a little small for their age, and very sensitive kids. But recently we learned he liked Benjamin for another reason--vanilla scented stuffed animals.
Last night, as he was going to bed, Isaac told Bianca that he wished that he could give Benjamin his stuffed animals to take home for the night. Bianca asked why and Isaac told her it was because all of his stuffed animals smelled like vanilla. So in Isaac's mind, not only is Benjamin an awesome kid, but his mere presence makes stuffed animals smell amazing. We didn't have the heart to tell him that Benjamin's Mom probably sprays Benjamin's stuffed animals with Fabreeze. Either that or Benjamin's X-Men ability is to confer wonderful odors on stuffed animals. Not as awesome as Wolverine's healing factor, but hey, no one wants stinky stuffed animals.