A couple of days ago Ethan was laying on his changing table, a place he totally loves, and I heard this deep rumble, kind of like the sound of a space ship flying overhead in a movie theater with huge subwoofers. I quickly realized that it was a big train, so I looked out the window and saw nothing. I paused for a second. "That's odd" I thought. Then it happened again, a deep guttural rumble. I looked down at Ethan and he had this look on his face:
It was a look that said "What...what do you think I did?". In fact, the rumbling noise was a huge toot from Ethan, two to be precise. As such, he was given a new nickname, his Gassy Dwarf name--Rumblebum. This brings his complete list of nicknames to the following:
Mr. Grimace
Ethan Beethan
Chub Chubs
TFB (Tremendously Fat Baby, also see above picture)

It was a look that said "What...what do you think I did?". In fact, the rumbling noise was a huge toot from Ethan, two to be precise. As such, he was given a new nickname, his Gassy Dwarf name--Rumblebum. This brings his complete list of nicknames to the following:
Mr. Grimace
Ethan Beethan
Chub Chubs
TFB (Tremendously Fat Baby, also see above picture)