Happy 2 Month Birthday TFB
Its offical, Ethan is 2 months old. We had the pedi visit today and its all good news:
1. He weighs a portly 13 pounds 5 ounces. That's a 50% number.
2. He is 23.5 inches tall. That's a 85% number.
3. He has a chrome dome of 16 inches. That's a 50% number.
4. His bilirubin count is down to 3.3. He is technically still jaundiced but its basically all over but the crying for those damn bilirubins. Alll but one of his liver enzymes are normal and the abnormal one is in line with other readings from other jaundiced babies.
He is definitely more awake. He is tracking objects, most especially his brother. He smiles and is very engaging. He has flopped over twice, but mainly because he was angry. His head control is getting better.
But the biggest development is his big development. That is, he is getting tremendously fat. Really, really fat.
In fact Isaac and I have even made up a theme song. His nickname is Tremendously Fat Baby (TFB) and hence the theme song. Here is a video:

In fact Isaac and I have even made up a theme song. His nickname is Tremendously Fat Baby (TFB) and hence the theme song. Here is a video: