Through the Night

Ethan Joseph did a good job last night.  Mom was even better.  Her neck hurts like a bear and I am convinced I would be crippled by this pain.  She, on the other hand, is telling nurses she is experiencing a 3 to 5 level of pain.  

We did feedings every three hours and Ethan is starting to pound the booby milk.  Changed two super poopy diapers and he laid down with both of us.  There is nothing as calming and meditative as having your baby laying on your chest with his tiny quick breathes.  

We slept from 11:30 until 1, then from 1:30 until 3.  We all three conked out around 5:30 and slept until 7:10, well, I slept at 6 and Mom and Ethan nursed.  We caught an hour after that and then the nurse consult came in.  

Good job Ethan and Mom.
Tony Sculimbrene