Man, it is a whirlwind when you take a new born and add to that a weekend hospital stay. In Ethan's 10 days of life he has been in the hospital or at the doctor's 7 of those days. Now that we are home we are starting to get both more comfortable and more tired. Odd how babies do that.
Here is Ethan Beethan looking all peaceful:
Here he is with his P-Pa and Nanna:
Here he is with his Rhode Island GG:
Here is Ethan Beethan looking a bit skeptical:
Here he is with his brudder:
And finally:
Here is Ethan Beethan looking all peaceful:

Here he is with his P-Pa and Nanna:

Here he is with his Rhode Island GG:

Here is Ethan Beethan looking a bit skeptical:

Here he is with his brudder:

And finally: