Straight Up Wahoo

As the snow piles up over the tops of our cars, beyond the pointed edges of our picket fence, and up to the roof, drastic measures had to be taken. With enormous drifts on the roof, I, dumb Tony tied myself to a brace and climbed out to shovel off the snow. Isaac and Mom watched and helped as I tried to both rid us of five feet of snow and not kill myself.  

Isaac has seen this before as many of our neighbors and folks in the area do crazy New England only things like using snow blowers on their roofs.  These people have been labeled by Bianca and I as "Yahoos."  And sometimes in passing we will say "That guy (always a guy) is a straight up yahoo."

For Isaac though, this has translated into a few different things.  The slightly crazy guy is a "Wahoo." The really crazy guy is a "straight up wahoo."  We found this out when I decided to go on the roof.  My safety set up (giant hank of sisal rope and an old shovel handle wedge into the window frame) got me out of the "wahoo" category.  In fact, Isaac told Bianca, "Daddy is being careful, he is not a straight up wahoo."

So as snow piles up, be careful.  Lest you become a straight up wahoo.
Tony Sculimbrene