Snowpocalypse Helper

Yesterday I scraped, shoveled, and chipped away ice.  Its gotten so bad that I had to shave off the tops of snow mounds to accomodate the snow blower's chute.  I had to shovel, with my pick axe in some places, three times on Sunday.  Tired does not describe it.  Add to that a grueling day at court, one that including a hearing in a case that has been around for more than 7 years.  The drive in took an hour and half and the drive home was two. Its been brutal. Isaac has been great, though.

Until tonight.  

I pulled in and outside, scraping the snow off the driveway was a little guy, equipped with a shovel, being supervised by his 9 month pregnant Mom.  He has  a tiny little shovel, but he was really using it, picking up snow and tossing it.  I got out of the car and he and Bianca told me that they were helping me, making a spot so I could just pull in and come inside.

Then, as I was walking towards the house Isaac told me he was not done yet.  As I went inside, he stayed out and shoveled the walk back to the fence.  How amazing is that kid?  I kissed his cherub red cheeks when he came in about 45 seconds later (and we watched from the kitchen as he did it).  He rang the doorbell, BTW.
Tony Sculimbrene