
Isaac and Bianca have lovely conversations in bed right before he falls asleep.  Tonight was one that almost caused me to have a heart attack from laughing so hard. 

Bianca reads Isaac Polar Express and at the end of the story there is a part about the Christmas Bell and still believing.  Isaac is so firmly entrenched in the Santa camp that it is not about believing in Santa.  That is, for him, an a priori given.  Instead, he thinks it means that he believes he is getting presents. 

So tonight when Bianca asked him if he believed he told her he wasn't sure.  He paused for a moment, got very serious and told her: "I am not sure Mommy.  I just need Christmas to get here.  What if I was a bad boy and Santa brings me mud?"  Bianca assured him that mud was not in his future, but his stress only abated slightly.  He then closed his eyes and steepled his hands.  Bianca asked was him what he was doing and he told her "praying."  She asked to who and he said "God."  Then she asked if this was about presents and he confirmed that it was.  He told her was praying to God that Santa would bring him presents.  

For those at home, this is DEFINITELY a Bianca trait.  I was not a stress case like this when I was a kid.  I'd lose my mind if Stormshadow lost his nunchucks, but I was not self aware enough to experience this kind of doubt. 

Hang in there buddy.  Only about 36 hours left.  No mud for you, promise. 
Tony Sculimbrene