Two Things Said
Isaac and I had a talk about wrestling at school. He had been spoken to about this at school and he was a little rattled by it. As it turns out he and his friend were both voluntarily wrestling with each other. I explained to him that he has to listen to his teachers and that is why he got in trouble, but I also told him that while bad, wrestling with someone that wanted to wrestle is not as bad as just punching someone. Isaac then responded with this: "Well boys just like to wrestle." I told him that I know, but that he has to listen to his teachers. Then he told me "It is what it is, Dad." I never say this phrase. Bianca never says this phrase. But apparently Isaac does.
Isaac recently told Bianca that he loved her, as he does quite frequently. He then told her that he wished that he had met her first, as in before I did. Bianca had to explain all sorts of things to him, and while he was understanding he wasn't sold on the idea.
That kid.
Isaac recently told Bianca that he loved her, as he does quite frequently. He then told her that he wished that he had met her first, as in before I did. Bianca had to explain all sorts of things to him, and while he was understanding he wasn't sold on the idea.
That kid.