Things To Do When It Snows
Isaac has been obsessed with cups for reasons I don't exactly understand. He has also really been interested in the classic video game Plants v. Zombies. So on Black Friday while Mom was out shopping we used the cups and the tiles in the kitchen floor to invent Plants v. Zombies CUPS Edition.
Here are the official rules:
Here are the official rules:
v. Zombies CUPS Rules
you Need
20 “Plant” Cups
20 “Zombie” Cups
2 Equally sided dice
A grid of at least 2 rows and 5 columns
There are three zones in the game: the grid, the
stash, and the graveyard. All cups
not on the grid or in a stash are in the graveyard. Plants start with 10 cups in the stash and 10 in the
graveyard. Zombies start with 15
cups in the stash and 5 in the graveyard.
Earned cups are taken from the graveyard placed in the earning player’s
stash. The losing cup in a fight
goes from the grid to the graveyard.
Players place cups on the grid from their stash.
Per Turn
On every turn the plants can do one of two
Place a cup
Earn a cup
On every turn the zombies can do one of three
Place a cup
Move a cup
for Placing
Plants can be placed anywhere on the game board,
with one exception. Plants cannot
be placed on the zombie start squares unless there are no other open
Zombies can only be placed in the zombie start squares.
There can only be one plant or zombie per square.
for Earning
Plants can earn a cup instead doing other options
during their turn. Earning a cup
adds to the player’s stash (the collection of cups not on the grid). There is one other way to earn a cup, see
Rules for Fighting below.
for Moving
Zombies can move. Plants can’t.
Zombies move by going one space ahead.
for Fighting
A plant v. zombie fight occurs when a zombie’s
move puts it on a square occupied by a plant. The plant and zombie both roll a die. Highest number wins. Low number is lost to the graveyard. If there is a tie, both players earn a
cup and roll again. Players repeat
until there is no tie. If there
are no cups in the graveyard, players roll again without earning a cup.
Plants begin with 10 cups in their stash. Zombies begin with 15 cups stash. Zombies proceed forward across the longest
axis of the grid.
Zombies win by eliminating all plants in a row of
squares and moving to occupy the final square.
Plants win by placing a plant on a zombie start
square or eliminating all zombies in the zombie player’s stash.