Flip Flop

We left the comforts of home this past weekend to visit St. Joseph's College in Maine.  Bianca had a seminar on cooking and chemistry and Dad and Isaac bummed around for the entire time.  We had an amazing time, though the lack of Internet made it hard to share pictures.  One thing that was hard to get used to (or readjusted to) was sleeping in a dorm.  There is so much about college that was awesome and all of that covered up just how terrible it is to sleep in a dorm.  We had two terrible mattresses (both covered in thick rubber, eww!) and that wasn't enough to accommodate all three of us.  So we brought the air mattress and that was Isaac's bed.

Our two beds were awful, so during the night I migrated down to the queen sized air mattress that had nothing but a little boy on it.  He snuggled up and I feel back to sleep quickly, my back appreciating the better surface.

Then a few hours later I woke up to being hit in the face by a tiny pair of knuckles.  In the night, Isaac had moved around a bit and flopped over.  When he did his knuckles smacked me right in the eye.  No problem, I moved around and cuddled up again.  About an hour later, BANG, I got hit with an knee in the gut.  This time I fully woke up and saw him having turned from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock on the mattress.  At this point I was so tired I just moved him and fell back asleep.  Around 6 AM I couldn't help it and I woke up.  I opened my eyes only to see Isaac's tiny fanny in my face.  When I woke up he had moved all the way around again and was actually laying on my face.

Bianca later told me the secret: cuddle him until he falls asleep and then get out there.  He is like a little gymnast when sleeping, flipping and flopping around like crazy.   
Tony Sculimbrene