Isaac's Uniform

Before they go to kindergarten kids have an amazing sense of self--the personality equivalent of island gigantism.  They have this utterly unique, utterly unaware sense of who they are and what they want to look like.  Isaac has taken to carrying around a few things at all time, a sort of uniform.  It started with his love of swords.  When he discovered that he could store his foam sword behind his head using his shirt collar and neck hole as sheath of sorts he was thrilled.  Then his imagination created a long bow from a piece of flooring foam.  That was his set up for a long, long time.  But last weekend he added another piece--a giant rubber snake (I had one when I was a kid and I loved it so it was hard to say no).  Here he is at age 3 1/2 in his full Isaac uniform:

Tony Sculimbrene