First Crush

Isaac is not a fan of getting going in the morning.  As his time with his grandparents last month proves, he'd be perfectly happy not getting dressed until 2 or 3 PM.  On Saturday mornings, however, we have to get going to make it to swim lessons.  It has recently become something of an issue.  Then three weeks ago, his class added more kids, and all of a sudden it wasn't such a problem.  You see there is a little girl in his class named Bella that Isaac is just fascinated by.  First, she is very much an older lady--she is 5.  Second, and most importantly, she is very tall, a whole head taller than Isaac.  Between his obsession with the giant Feen Bean Buntalope and the Burj Kalifa, this is a kid that notices height.  Perhaps it is because he is a bit short for his room at Goddard.  Whatever the reason, when a tall girl arrived in his swim lessons class, he was ready to go.  I still had to remind him that she was there, but once I did, it became much easier to dislodge him from his jammies.

After the first two lessons I wasn't sure if it was the allure of a new kid or a crush, but after this weekend, I am positive--this is a crush.  First, when they were all hanging on the edge of the pool, Isaac would shuffle his way down the side until he was right next to her, even if it meant passing around other kids also hanging on the pool edge.  Second, when they got out to do jumps, Isaac waited for her to get in line then got in line right behind her.  The entire time he was staring at how tall she was.  Third, and most telling, once he got out and we were drying off before going to the showers, he said to me that he wanted to say hi.  When I told him to go ahead, he asked if I would say hi for him.  Isaac was, for the first time, shy and nervous around a kid.  When I did say hi for him, he then opened up.  They chatted a little and then we went to the showers.  As we were leaving, Isaac told me "Daddy, she's really tall."  

That's about as romantic as Isaac gets at three.  But its clear--he has a crush.
Tony Sculimbrene