Strike Force Five

Isaac made up his own team of superheroes at bath time last night.  We were talking and Isaac had lots to say.  It was impressive to watch his nimble and unbounded imagination reel off new superheroes and new powers on the fly.  As with all superheroes, some are more impressive than others (Aquaman, I am looking at YOU).  We (I) named his team Strike Force Five.  Isaac was searching for a name and then I recommended Strike Force Five which prompted him to give me his seal of approval with a finger point and a "You GOT IT! Daddy."  They are as follows:  Shockwind, Blackwing, Gorax, Bach and...Nick.  Their superpowers range widely.  Here is exactly how he described them to me:

Shockwind: He has a light blue and dark blue outfit with a cape and he shoots fire from his hands.  He is the leader of Strike Force Five. 

All in all, very impressive and auspicious start. 

Blackwing: He is dressed in all black and may or may not have a cape.  He shoots claws out of his claws.  He doesn't have hands, he has claws.

Still going strong.

Gorax: He is really, really, really strong.  He looks like a rock.  

Yep, every superhero teams needs one of these guys.  In fact, Isaac unwittingly described Thing, which goes to show you just how crappy the Fantastic Four are--a 3 1/2 year old came up with a copy of Thing in like three seconds and he isn't even the leader of the team.  

Bach: He is a superhero.  He can sleep on any piano.  

I think we were listening to some piano music on the way to swim lessons last weekend and I told him it was by Bach and he told me it made him feel sleepy, so I imagine that is where this comes from.

Nick:  Oh, yes, Nick is a superhero.  His power is he is shy.  He goes like this "Awww...and when people come over he shoots them."

So there you have it, X-Men as devised on the fly by Isaac Anthony.  He also told me that sometimes Blackwing, ready for this, shoots caves at people, whatever that means.   He also told me that they all have long bows because we are reading Robin Hood and everyone has long bows now.  


Tony Sculimbrene