So Proud

This morning Isaac came into the bathroom when I was showering and we had this conversation:

Isaac: Daddy are there kids that don't have stuffed animals?
Me: Sure, buddy.
Isaac: Dad, they have none at all?
Me: Yeah, Isaac.  We are pretty lucky.  We have a lot of nice things and a good life.
Isaac: Well, what if I gave those kids some of my stuffed animals?
Me: That would be very nice of you Isaac.
Isaac: I would give them even to kids I don't know.
Me:  That is especially nice of you.
Isaac: I would tell them "Here you go.  Now you have a stuffed animal."  Then I would ask them there name so I would know their name.
Me:  Isaac, I am so proud of you.  You are a good hearted boy.
Isaac: I just don't want those kids not to have stuffed animals.
Me: I know I-man.  That's one of the reasons why I love you so much.

Pretty amazing for a 3 1/2 year old, right?  I couldn't be more proud of him.
Tony Sculimbrene