Feen Been Buntalope

All kids have imaginary friends, but leave it Isaac to create such an unusual person as an imaginary friend.

It started off with Isaac saying the name (FEEEEN BEEEEN BUNTALOPPPPPE).  Then slowly it morphed into him telling us all these weird things about Feen Been Buntalope.  First, he told me that Feen Been Buntalope was very tall, "taller even you".  Then he told me that Feen Been Buntalope was not just tall but an actual giant.  The then told Bianca and I at dinner one day that Feen Been Buntalope was very funny and that he tells jokes that "make you go HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!".  After that we had a debate as to how to say the last name exactly.  Was it Buntalow or Buntalope?  We asked Isaac and he told us "Feen Been Buntalope is a Sculimbrene."

Its not like Isaac talks to Feen Been Buntalope, which would be so funny, but merely that he reference him doing things all of the time.  Feen Been Buntalope typically stays home while the rest of us go to work and school.  He also doesn't eat dinner (which Isaac sometimes uses as a way to try to weasel out of dinner himself).  He is ALWAYS a good guy as Isaac tells us, "even though he is very tall."

It will be fun to listen for all of the things Isaac says Feen Been Buntalope does, especially because Feen Been seems like a good guy, while Travel Tiger gets into ALL sorts of trouble.  
Tony Sculimbrene