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As Isaac's spelling powers are growing so to are his math powers. Fortunately he got his spelling abilities from me and his math abilities from his Momma. Had it been the other way around he'd have to get by on his good looks for the rest of his life.
Proof of his math abilities occurred on our weekly trip to the grocery store. Mom and Isaac were sitting in the back and I was driving. Isaac announced to us "There are three of us in here." We agreed and then he continued. Pointing at the two empty seats he said: "If there was a person up there and right there there would be five of us in here." We were both impressed, but still skeptical. Bianca raised the ante and quizzed him. "What if we put someone in the back of Subbie too, how many then?" Isaac thought about it for a second and then said: "Six Mommy."
Holy Arithmetic Batman! This kid's a smart one.
Proof of his math abilities occurred on our weekly trip to the grocery store. Mom and Isaac were sitting in the back and I was driving. Isaac announced to us "There are three of us in here." We agreed and then he continued. Pointing at the two empty seats he said: "If there was a person up there and right there there would be five of us in here." We were both impressed, but still skeptical. Bianca raised the ante and quizzed him. "What if we put someone in the back of Subbie too, how many then?" Isaac thought about it for a second and then said: "Six Mommy."
Holy Arithmetic Batman! This kid's a smart one.