Jammy Scam

Last weekend we went to the outlet mall to buy Isaac what will certainly be a one shot outfit--his little sports jacket for Uncle John's wedding.  He likes malls as much as I do, which is to say not at all, so we had to do a little bribing.  We promised him a motorcycle shirt because, well, he is obsessed with motorcycles. 

Malls are annoying primarily because there is so few things that are actually worth buying there.  You go and you have to wade through people and products that you have no interest in to find that one thing that you want.  I am not a shopper, I buy things.  I don't go to browse.  I know what I want and I go and buy it.  Isaac is the same way.  He wanted a motorcycle shirt and nothing else.  Literally nothing else.

Alas, we wade through heaps of stuff at Carters and Gap with no luck.  Just as I was about to give up, I spotted a package of jammies with a motorcycle theme.  Isaac was distracted by a mannequin wearing Spiderman clothes, so I stealthily went over to the jammies, took them out of the package, and pulled out the shirt.  I was careful and Isaac did not see me, though the parents around me recognized my desperation. 

I then announced that I had found a motorcycle shirt and showed it to Isaac.  He took a two second look and then told me: "Jammies.  I don't want jammies.  I want a shirt."  I tried to bargain with him, but he knew.  The jig was up.  Dejected I started balling up the shirt to stuff back into its package when one of the Dads around leaned over and said to me: "BUSTED."  Yep, I was caught. 

We found a motorcycle shirt in Gymboree, thank god, but it was touch and go for a while.  Isaac was fine, I was panicking.  Why, I am not sure. 
Tony Sculimbrene