Lord Vader

A few months ago one of my favorite people at work, Lefty (yes, she goes by Lefty and works at the Public Defender) gave us a Darth Vader costume.  While the mask fit right away, thanks to Isaac's chrome dome, it was a while before the rest of the suit did.  But like all kids his age, Isaac hit a few growth spurts and suddenly he was big enough for the Vader costume.

As the VW commercial proves, there is nothing as cute as a kid in a Vader costume.  Here is a shot of the mini-Dark Lord of the Sith Force Choking his Dad:


For reference here is the movie image:

But its just not enough to look like the Dark Lord of the Sith, you have to fight like one and well that is where the lightsabers come in.  Dad threw on a green sheet to serve as a cloak and shut all the doors in the upstairs hallway for an awesome lightsaber duel:

It ended like they always do, with Isaac tagging Dad in the nuts semi-accidentally.  He's not called the Dark Lord of the Sith for nothing.

Tony Sculimbrene