From the Mouth of a Little Guy

We went to the Fitchburg July 4th Parade for the fourth straight year.  It was, like every other time, nearly 100 degrees, a little hotter when you are sitting on the pavement.  We stayed for the fire trucks and ran for free candy (the free candy inspired pandemonium 10 time greater than the candy deserves--peppermint pinwheels...blah).  But it was when the old timey and fancy cars came by that Isaac perked up the most.  As each passed he asked me if it was a muscle car or a hot rod or a sports car.  Then after a long line of gloriously finned behemoths from the fifties and sixties, a sleek new Corvette passed us.  Isaac leaned over to me and said: "That's a Corwette.  That is P-Pa's car."  Stunned I asked him who told him that.  He said: "P-Pa."  As we walked the one block back to our house I we chatted about the Corwette.  He told me his P-Pa was getting one and that he would drive it fast and make it go vroom vroom.  I asked him if he would be allowed to ride in it.  With a look so serious you'd think he was answering questions at a Congressional hearing, he stopped walking and looked at me.  Then he said: "Oh, yes.  Yes, for sure.  I will ride in it.  P-Pa, he is a good guy.  He will let me ride with him."

Good guy, indeed.

Tony Sculimbrene