More Shoes than a 22 Year Old Fashionista
There is a picture in Auntie Monica's wedding album that is really quite unusual. In and amongst shots of the family, the of the wedding party, and of Auntie Monica looking radiant, is a shot of her shoes. She really wanted those shoes, and while I may not understand shoes, I am sure she and many others think my flashlight collection is equally silly. I don't get shoes, but I get getting what you want. Isaac, on the other hand, might get the shoes.
This kid loves shoes. Big shoes, little shoes; slow shoes, fast shoes; sandals, Keens, and Crocs...he loves them all. After his 3 year old check up, which went very well except for the blood draw (which was awful, though not medically, just because it is a big needle in a little arm), he did not ask for toys or candy. He asked for shoes. Here are the shoes HE chose:
He loves going upstairs in his room and trying on all of his shoes. He has a bunch of hand-me-down shoes and his own collection is growing quickly. He even likes making line ups of his shoes. Here are all of his downstairs shoes in a line up I helped arrange:
This kid loves shoes. Big shoes, little shoes; slow shoes, fast shoes; sandals, Keens, and Crocs...he loves them all. After his 3 year old check up, which went very well except for the blood draw (which was awful, though not medically, just because it is a big needle in a little arm), he did not ask for toys or candy. He asked for shoes. Here are the shoes HE chose:
He loves going upstairs in his room and trying on all of his shoes. He has a bunch of hand-me-down shoes and his own collection is growing quickly. He even likes making line ups of his shoes. Here are all of his downstairs shoes in a line up I helped arrange: