I Love....
Isaac's speech obviously is based on Bianca and I's speech patterns, but it is funny to hear things that you didn't realize you say (well, unless they are swear words). One thing we both say, apparently, is "I love...X". Isaac has adopted this wholeheartedly and belts out an "I love...." probably five times a day.
Sometimes the results are side splitting comedy.
"I love Easy Pass" Easy Pass is our automated toll paying device.
"I love base running errors." We were listening to the Red Sox game and I shouted out "Awesome a base running error."
"I love Wal-Mart." Well, they do have beep, beeps.
"I love John Deeres." Isaac has become obsessed with John Deere tractors. The green and yellow paint scheme is instantly recognizable and, well, he LOVES them.
"I love cow poop." We go to an ice cream place with cows next door and so with a strong wind in the right direction we get a waft of, well, poop smell. Plus little people love cows and poop, so what's not to like?