The Baby Borg
There is a very real sense in which raising a kid is like fighting the Borg. You remember the Borg, the cybernetic enemies of Jean Luc Picard and the crew of the Next Generation Enterprise. Oh you don't? Your not that big of a nerd? Anyway, they were these part man/part machine aliens that would try to implant their tiny machines in a person's body as a way to make more Borg. They also adapted very quickly to things like weapons fire, damage, and the like.
Isaac's recent sleep habits have been less than stellar. After Christmas we adapted our nighttime routine and it worked for a few months, but recently it was taking hours to go to bed. We changed it again and it worked for two days and then went back to trouble time. Now we have changed again. And it seems to be working. But see, this little guy is just like a Borg, always adapting and so we have to be able to change and shift on a dime.
This is what makes being a parent so challenging (or one of the things). There is never a sense that things are set. Routines only exist for a while and then they are gone. We look back at the days when he slept for no more than three hours at time and realize that he has had dozens of sleep routines. It is all about adaptation.