I-man's Wonderful Way with Words

There are few things as delightful as listening to Isaac talk.  I knew he would be a gabby boy, probably as gabby as one can be, but I didn't realize that meant he would be THIS gabby.  Here are a few choice phrases and sentences we have heard in the past week or so:
  • "Wuves are not so fun."  We have been talking a lot about animals that eat meat (bad guys) versus those that don't (good guys).
  • "Spinosaurs Aegyptiacus eats fish, lots of fish."  This is favorite dino and he knows A LOT about him.
  • "Daddy, say: I don't see nuthing."  He then surprises me with an especially scary dino.
  • "This is very sticky.  You touch it and it goes like this: sticky on your arm, sticky on your leg, sticky on your eye, sticky on you elbow."  He is referring to bits of caramel Bianca has been making as part of a science project.
  • "Daddy, I have hair on my chest, too.  Just a little, you need to look close."
  • "Getting TINIER!"  He asks if a given food makes his big and strong and when he asks about snacks we told him no, so he assumed they would do the opposite.
  • "I need to go poop, petend."  He has become obsessed with a Dinosaur Train episode about Dino Poop.
  • "Good guys have flat teeth, bad guys have pointy teeth.  I have both.  What am I, Daddy?"
  • "I ate all my wrap.  Like this: OM, NOM, NOM, NOM.  Do I get my super special treat now?"
  • "Do you want to play Good Guys, Bad Guys, Daddy?"
  • "You a NUTHIN' sweetheart."  This is his comment after I tell him that I am his mom's new sweetheart, or his Nanna's new sweetheart or even his GG's new sweetheart. 
And my favorite:
  • "I love you Daddy.  You love me?"
Tony Sculimbrene