Whiz Kid

For men, the liberating feeling of urinating outside is hard to explain to the other sex.  It is part wolf-marking-his territory and part free wheeling all natural water gun.  Either way, even well into adulthood men of all kinds enjoy peeing outside.

Kids, like Isaac, that have always peed inside are fascinated by the experience the first time they get a chance.  Isaac likes it so much it is his preferred way of going.  In fact, this Sunday morning he woke up and asked to go pee outside.  It was a nice morning, so I threw on my slipper and put his socks and Crocs on and we went out back to his peeing tree.

Here he is taking a whiz:


He loves, loves, loves it.  He also likes to make sure you see all his pee bubbles.  It is all great fun, and really, aren't those the cutest buns on the planet?
Tony Sculimbrene