99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
Last night Isaac was having some trouble falling asleep. Bianca took her turn and then I took my turn. Isaac was being a very good boy, laying in his bed, trying to fall asleep, even closing his eyes and pretend snoring. He wanted me to sing to him and seeing as no one can resist him, I tried.
We started out with his favorite, Wheels on the Bus. Then we switched to This Old Man. I was running out of songs that I knew the lyrics to and could sing for a long time, and then I remembered an old classic--99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. We got to the 80s with ease. Around 50 I tried to go, but he didn't want me to leave. He told me that he would like to have just a little beer tomorrow, but not a lot because it is yucky. We kept going and the whole time he would squeeze my finger through the rails of his big boy bed. Around 30 I told him I would be leaving at 0 and that he needed to be a big boy. He said okay, and I continued.
At 0 he let go of my finger and said good night. It was one of probably three times in my entire life I had sung the whole 99 Bottles of Beer song and without question the most memorable. I-man was asleep with in ten minutes of me leaving.
We started out with his favorite, Wheels on the Bus. Then we switched to This Old Man. I was running out of songs that I knew the lyrics to and could sing for a long time, and then I remembered an old classic--99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. We got to the 80s with ease. Around 50 I tried to go, but he didn't want me to leave. He told me that he would like to have just a little beer tomorrow, but not a lot because it is yucky. We kept going and the whole time he would squeeze my finger through the rails of his big boy bed. Around 30 I told him I would be leaving at 0 and that he needed to be a big boy. He said okay, and I continued.
At 0 he let go of my finger and said good night. It was one of probably three times in my entire life I had sung the whole 99 Bottles of Beer song and without question the most memorable. I-man was asleep with in ten minutes of me leaving.