
Isaac wanted a green lightsaber and though he did not strictly need it, having two other lightsabers already (though one IS mine), we decided to cash in a gift certificate and get him one. He is practically obsessed with Yoda, so green it was.

The funny thing is we traveled all over creation to find it and in the end we had to break down and get it from the internet. We told Isaac what happened and that it would be a little bit of a wait for the green lightsaber to arrive. He was perfectly okay with that, displaying an amount of delayed gratification that is surprising both for US Congressmen and 2.5 year olds.

The first morning he woke up and asked me if we could track the lightsaber. I did not, for a second, think he meant what he said, but then he asked if we could see where it was on the 'puter, as he calls it. It was at that moment that I realized how much things have changed since I was a kid, hell, since I was in college. My 2.5 year old wants to track his packages. It also indicates that perhaps we do too much shopping on the internet (alas, our inability to find the green lightsaber in person is perhaps indicative of why).

Whatever the reason or meaning, I would always track it with Isaac. We'd call up Google maps and the email and then plug in all of the cities. We watched it go from upstate New York east towards Fitchburg. One day it stopped in Northborough, only a few minutes away. I knew it would be there that night.

Lo and behold, upon arrival there it was, a long square box, making it certain that the lightsaber had arrived.

Next thing you know he is going to ask me about getting a Twitter account.
Tony Sculimbrene