One of the funniest things that Isaac has done in the past week has been his increasingly vocal objection to anyone other than himself being called Little One by Bianca. It was a nickname I had that was ironic, me being about 8 inches taller than Bianca, but it stuck and she has called me Little One for more than decade now. But one night, while talking on the cellphone she called me Little One and Isaac howled in protest. She had called him Little One, in the unironic sense, too and he did not like that one little bit. For Isaac, there is one and only one Little One and he is it.
He also does not like it when she called me sweetie or sweet pea. He gets visibly angry when Bianca kisses me, and usually throws himself in between us when we are hugging. In all it is a really, really funny thing to watch and a reminder that Dr. Freud was on to something...
But the most unusual behavior is this. About three days ago Isaac kept saying something. He would say it and get insistent. Unfortunately we didn't understand what he was saying. It was hard to get him to slow down and he kept repeating the phrase like a question. When we didn't say yes he became even more upset. Thursday was like this and Friday he became a little terror. He'd ask us: "Tweet Hurt?" Bianca and I would look at each other and try to puzzle it out. But nothing ever came. I even woke up in the middle of the night thinking I had the solution to our linguistic puzzle--Throat Hurts. But we asked I-man the next day and he shook us off like a rookie pitcher who just saw the sign for curveball instead of fastball. That was clearly not the right answer. So we kept trying and he kept getting upset. We'd ask him to show us what he was asking for and he would keep pointing to himself. It made little sense.
Then it happened. Like a lightning strike Bianca figured out what it was that he was saying. He was asking us if he was our "sweet heart". He'd come up to me and or Bianca and ask "Tweet Hurt?" and from his perspective we were being rude and indignant or worse, demeaning. He was probably thinking "why am I not there sweet heart anymore?" Now that we figured it out, we have made sure to tell him that "yes, you are our sweetheart."
How sweet is that?
He also does not like it when she called me sweetie or sweet pea. He gets visibly angry when Bianca kisses me, and usually throws himself in between us when we are hugging. In all it is a really, really funny thing to watch and a reminder that Dr. Freud was on to something...
But the most unusual behavior is this. About three days ago Isaac kept saying something. He would say it and get insistent. Unfortunately we didn't understand what he was saying. It was hard to get him to slow down and he kept repeating the phrase like a question. When we didn't say yes he became even more upset. Thursday was like this and Friday he became a little terror. He'd ask us: "Tweet Hurt?" Bianca and I would look at each other and try to puzzle it out. But nothing ever came. I even woke up in the middle of the night thinking I had the solution to our linguistic puzzle--Throat Hurts. But we asked I-man the next day and he shook us off like a rookie pitcher who just saw the sign for curveball instead of fastball. That was clearly not the right answer. So we kept trying and he kept getting upset. We'd ask him to show us what he was asking for and he would keep pointing to himself. It made little sense.
Then it happened. Like a lightning strike Bianca figured out what it was that he was saying. He was asking us if he was our "sweet heart". He'd come up to me and or Bianca and ask "Tweet Hurt?" and from his perspective we were being rude and indignant or worse, demeaning. He was probably thinking "why am I not there sweet heart anymore?" Now that we figured it out, we have made sure to tell him that "yes, you are our sweetheart."
How sweet is that?