Christmas Part II: Us
That is the house just before I went inside after arrive home from Uncle John's. Not super Christmas-y, but pretty good. Even the accursed solar powered lights are all on. As we went to sleep that night it was a feeling of supreme contentment, the whole body version of a full belly after a good meal.
The next morning we woke up and took our customary Christmas picture. Here was take one:
Isaac looked a little scared so we did a take two:
And yes, that is Isaac's "Hey ladies..." look.
The morning proceeded with a slow pace I was kind of shocked by. Isaac would open one present and want to play with it, while I was chomping at the bit for him to get to the next paper wrapped gem.
He got a lot of good stuff, a Bruder Road Max Backhoe, a Green Toys Firetruck, and of course a Hess Truck from Santa. His favorite gift, however, was probably his stuffed animal Yoda. Here he is getting the Yoda, which was a total surprise to him:
The story behind Yoda is pretty endearing. We were all at Barnes and Noble and Isaac saw Yoda. He carried him around for a while. When we decided to leave, we explained that if he were good maybe, just maybe Santa would hook him up with a Yoda. Lo and behold, the Big Guy was paying attention.
Three funny things: 1) Isaac always asked before each present was open: "What's in there?"; 2) Isaac also wouldn't open a present until every shred of paper was removed from the box; and 3) Isaac would usually follow up on a present with: "Oh...My...Goodness...." Really funny.
Up next Christmas Part III: Nanna P-Pa.