Patience is a Virtue

Every Saturday or just about every Saturday we do the same thing--a little morning tradition.  First we go to Panera and grab a bagel.  Second, we go to the grocery store.  Mom heads off to the grocery store itself and Isaac and Dad go to Wal-Mart for other supplies and, on a very regular basis, a Hot Wheels car.  This weekend started out very much the same.

We went to the aisle where the beep beeps were and Isaac wandered forever, looking at this car or playing with that truck.  But he just couldn't decide.  He had a few Hot Wheels in his hand, but none seemed to call out to him.  In the end he just looked up at me exasperated. 

As a side note, last weekend, before the hurricane, we went to Lowes and Tractor Supply Company looking for batteries (yes, I know how ironic that I would need batteries, but none of my lights take D cells).  When we were there Isaac saw their much nicer collection of beep beeps and fell in love with a yellow tractor trailer, known now as "Big Tractor Trailer". 

At that moment, stuck in Wal-Mart, I had an idea.  I wanted to see if I could test Isaac's long term memory and capacity for delayed gratification.  So I made him this offer: "Isaac, if you don't want any of these, let's go to Tractor Supply Company and get a better beep beep there."  Immediately he started walking towards the exit.

About an hour and half later, we made it to Tractor Supply Company and he picked out a gleaming red wireduck, aka fire truck.  He had learned and remembered and delayed his small fun for a bigger fun.  It was an impressive and mature decision for a 2 1/2 year old. 
Tony Sculimbrene