Kissing Contest

Our normal night time routine is unbelieveably nice, a pleasant little respite in any day, no matter how bad or busy.  At the end of the little tradition, I lean over and kiss Isaac and then kiss Bianca.  Recently however, Isaac's competitive streak has got him responding in an arms race of smooches. 

I will lean in and kiss Bianca.  Isaac, watching carefully, gives me a few inches and then once I have finished my little peck, he goes in and kisses her.  If I linger around, he will give her a few extra kisses to protect his lead.  Its gotten to the point where he'll just kiss her when I am around, looking over with a devious little grin as if to say "I'm winning."  It is so sweet and innocent and funny that I can't imagine anything his Mommy would love more. 

We both love her a ton, but now its official--the kiss race is on.  Something tells me Isaac will win. 
Tony Sculimbrene