Light Up Little Guy
Isaac got a pair of light up shoes from his cousins and he is fascinated by them. The awkward part is that he has not yet figured out how to light them up and watch them at the same time. Here is an adorable video of him trying to do both:
Note two other cute things in this video: 1) him mimicking the use of a camera, which I really love; and 2) his exclamation that he needs a tissue--SNOT ROCKETS! He has a bit of a runny nose right now so we hear a lot of that. SNOT ROCKETS!
PS: This is the 500th post!
Note two other cute things in this video: 1) him mimicking the use of a camera, which I really love; and 2) his exclamation that he needs a tissue--SNOT ROCKETS! He has a bit of a runny nose right now so we hear a lot of that. SNOT ROCKETS!
PS: This is the 500th post!