Isaac to English Dictionary

As Isaac's grandparents can attest, his vocabulary and speaking skills have grown exponentially in the past three months.  Literally every day he adds three or four words to his vocabulary and every week or so he doubles the length of his sentences.  Pushing out all of this new data is taxing on his little tongue and sometimes he isn't exactly clear.  To help, I have compiled an Isaac to English Dictionary with phonetic spellings of Isaac's pronunciations. 


This is a very important word, not only because it is his name but also because Isaac refers to himself in the third person.  It is a gut buster to here him talk about himself.  He sounds like The Rock ("Do you SMELL what Idik is cookin'?").

Go Di Dees=Goldfishes

These have become a favorite snack and so we hear this a lot.  Each time it is hilarious.

Cu Bus=School Bus

He has become really skilled at finding school buses and thrills in pointing them out, so just about any car ride will have a few "Cu Bus" hollers in it.  Note: all buses are "Cu Buses."

Idik Hep Oo=Isaac Help You

He is, after all, a helpful kid, whether it is cutting up tree branches for firewood or working as a prep chef for Mom in the kitchen.


Idik Lo Lak It=Isaac No Like It

For example:

ME: Isaac, it is time to go inside
Isaac: No.
ME: Isaac, I am going to pick you up and BRING you inside.
Isaac: NO! Idik Lo Lak It!

Happy Birthday Donut=Happy Birthday Jonah

Isaac has a friend at Goddard named Jonah and he recently had a birthday.  Isaac sang this for about a week and I cried laughing, imagining a boy named "Donut" being serenaded by 14 two year olds.

Cu Me=Excuse Me!

See here for more on Cu Me.

Mommydaddy=No literal translation; effectively--"I need everyone's attention RIGHT NOW."

When he gets really, really excited he just shouts out the two names he uses the most and they blend into one word.  It is an exclamation, like EUREKA! It works in the same places. 

"EUREKA! I have just found gold!"
"MOMMYDADDY! I have just found Go Di Dees!"

Idik Teep Ober=Isaac Tipped Over

For some reason Isaac has loved to ditch his push car into a pile of leaves, falling purposely and dramatically on to the stack of yard debris.  After this he loudly declares: "Idik Teep Ober!"




See also BLLLLLUE.


One of Isaac's favorite animals, in large part because of an awesome cardboard cut out he received for Christmas last year from his auntie and uncle, is an elephant.  I also happen to make an uncannily accurate elephant noise, perhaps increasing his enjoyment of the giant pachyderm.


Every two year old on the planet, knows and loves the Tyrant Lizard, but few can pronounce his name correctly.  This is Isaac's shot at it.

Wireduck=Fire Truck

This is exactly how he says it: WIRE DUCK.  This is not like an approximation, it is EXACTLY what he says.  And he does it as a chant, a loud chant: WIREDUCK, WIREDUCK, WIREDUCK!  No reason really, just an expression of happiness like whistling, but about fire trucks.

More Isaac to English as it comes up.
Tony Sculimbrene