Isaac really, really loves crackers. We try to limit the snacks to nothing worse than Baked Cheetos and even they are a special treat, so mostly he has a thing for crackers. Well this weekend Bianca got some Wasabi flavored crackers and despite our warnings, Isaac persisted in wanting one. We gave him one, with water and a napkin on stand by and despite all appearances to the contrary he loved it. He asked for another and another. Seeing him go through the process of eating one a few times inspired me to get a video of this. Seriously, you'd think he'd never want to see another wasabi cracker again after this video, but he finished the box.
He has an amazingly tough pallete or he is wickedly stubborn. Given who his parents are I am fairly certain it is the latter.
He has an amazingly tough pallete or he is wickedly stubborn. Given who his parents are I am fairly certain it is the latter.