The Four Reserviors

At the beginning of the summer we started walking the trails (and donating cash) to the Flat Rock Sanctuary.  It is an ideal little spot to go hiking in with nice trails and plenty of great views.  There are also four large reservoirs in the area.  The first one we visited was Overlook Reservoir.  After doing some research we discovered there were three others in the general area.  So in May we decided to make it our goal to be to all four.  Here is a map of the general area:

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Isaac loves being in the woods and hiking, so it is a great adventure for all of us.  Just four months ago, Isaac was in the backpack almost the entire time.  Now he is out more often than in, by a large margin.  He has become so surefooted in his walking and running that only the most difficult terrain stops him.  That terrain is so difficult even Mom and Dad have a hard time getting by.  But all of the hiking is worthwhile because just behind Falulah's fence (the reservoirs are all no trespassing, except for Overlook) there is a small stream and that stream has the perfect layout for serious rock chucking.

Here is I-man in action with his Mommy:

After finding Falulah three trips ago, we knew that Lowell was right over the hill.  On our way back last time we ran into Scott Reservoir, meaning that we had three of four.  So yesterday we set out for Lowell to complete the cycle.   After about 2 hours of good hiking, we finally made it to the fence gate around Lowell Reservoir.

It was a good goal to set at the beginning of the summer and I am glad we were able to do it.  There is all kinds of cool stuff back there, including a spillway.  It is also a sign that we can take Isaac with us on more serious hikes, with the ultimate goal being an ascent of Mount Monadnock.  It is also a sign that Isaac might need some hiking boots from the Big Guy.  Now if we only knew what size he will be next summer. 
Tony Sculimbrene