Isaac and Dad's Super Duplo Fort

Isaac and Dad have been experimenting with the Lego side of the train table for a while.  All of that freedom is pretty daunting.  We created a city, a really, really, really tall tower, and a few ramps.  We even created a perfectly symmetrical Acropolis-type structure, but none of these creations held Isaac's interest for even a second. 

Then on Saturday Isaac and Dad began working on a super fort to protect the Lego guys from dinos.  We had made a few over Christmas break, but the Lego table allows us to do all kinds of crazy things, even with the limitations Duplos impose.  We build one that was okay, but didn't really flow well and when legos don't flow well for a two year old you get a pile of bricks pretty quickly.

So Saturday night Dad thought about what to do and Sunday morning we started building.  Isaac built all of the columns and Dad made a working gate and arranged the platforms.  Eventually we perfected it today adding a fully-functional gate, a working (yes, working) elevator, and a rotating crane platform.  There is also plenty of room for all of Isaac's beep beeps and lego guys.  Here is the fort facing off against its sworn enemies--the dinos and animal horde:

Isaac and Ba Ba have the daunting challenge of trying to keep the peace between the two warring factions.  And since all of this work is parching, there is some warm milk close at hand.
Tony Sculimbrene