Top Five Isaac Vacation Moments
We got back from Acadia on Saturday, but only now have I had a chance to digitally unpack. The trip was an amazing vacation--Isaac, Mom, Dad, P-Pa, Nanna, and Auntie Monica all came and I think we all had a great time. Tawney Cottage was especially nice this year as Isaac could really motor around. Most of the time was spent chuckin' rocks, but we did other things as well. Here are some of the funnier moments.
Number Five: Isaac meets P-Pa and Nanna
The plan was pretty simple, we'd take a break and grab lunch in Freeport, Maine the halfway point between our house and Tawney Cottage. It is a long ride and Isaac would definitely need to stretch his legs by that point. It was also the point where we'd meet Nanna and P-Pa. And just in case you don't know, LL Bean's world headquarters is there as is the biggest store I have ever seen. It is on the LL Bean Campus and they really mean Campus. It is four buildings, each bigger than a high school and a huge promenade in the center with a rock concert stage. The plan was to meet near the fish tank.
We arrived and did some shopping. Mom shopped and Dad and Isaac played around. We went to the Hunting Lodge and checked out all of the fearsome creatures, including a massive stuffed and mounted bear. Isaac did not like the bear but he also couldn't take his eyes off it. Fortunately it was in a line of sight to the fish tank. We'd go up to the bear, move away, walk around and go back. I was watching for the grandparents and Isaac was warily eying the beast.
Then suddenly I spotted Nanna and P-Pa and it was an official smooch fest. Isaac was giddy with all of the attention. But after the initial kiss kiss, he decided that he would show is grandparents the bear. They went with him and edged ever closer and then he had them walk away. Back and forth, a few times. Then Isaac took them to the "huge boot".
It was such a nice moment, seeing them see him and watching him absolutely revel in the attention and love. A mutual admiration meeting with a giant bear thrown in for good measure.
Number Four: Teasing Auntie Monica
Auntie Monica undertook a heroic journey to make it to Acadia. She was only one week into her job at MOD (no not Master of Destruction or Military Ordinance and Demolition, but Microsoft Office Division) and she had to take a break, grab the red eye, and fly across country. But such is the love of an auntie for her boy. Isaac was truly grateful. Even this evening during dinner he was still asking "Where Auntie?"
But gratitude only goes so far because while he used to love to tease his Nanna, now he is teasing his Auntie. She'd come in for a smooch and he was say "No" or she'd offer to pick him up and he run away. Despite the teasing, he still loved hanging out with her, especially because she was a rock deliverer of the first order, plopping down chucker after chucker for her nephew.
Number Three: Always a Seaman and Never a Sailor
Last year Isaac and Dad took a tentative kayak ride on the last day. This time, we were going across the bay and out for a hour or so at a time. It was a lot of fun, as the callouses on my hands can prove. But Isaac got the saying mixed up. Now he insists that he is ALWAYS a seamen. Oh well, it will be extra funny in fifteen or so years.
Number Two: P-Pa don't be silly
The day we were leaving and parting ways was a sad one, but we grabbed a breakfast at the Sea Dog Cafe, a great little place in Southwest Harbor. I had delicious grilled biscuits, probably the second best I have ever had (and you have to ask what were the first best, you have never had my grandmother's biscuits--they could start a war quicker than Helen of Troy). We are all chattting and talking, and really I can't remember what the topic was, but P-Pa said something and looked to Isaac for confirmation. Isaac waited a split second and flashed him a look that was something between incredulity, surprise, and scorn as if to say: "P-Pa, that is ridiculous." We all burst out laughing and Isaac joined in. P-Pa and Isaac are buds and it is awesome to see that they are at the stage in their relationship where they can tease and taunt each other.
Number One: Blueberry Bush
How many blueberries can you eat in one sitting? We have video proof that Isaac is a blueberry champion, but we had no idea what would happen in the wild. Tawney Cottage has a wild blueberry bush and Isaac ravaged that thing like a plague of locusts. There were a few sad leaves and green nubs left when we departed on Saturday. He just loved that thing and as soon as he woke up he was recruiting people to take him outside and pig out. Here is a shot of the little chow hound and his Nanna at the scared blueberry bush:
All in all, a great time was had by all. Next year: Sasquatch Country.
Be ready Bigfoot, we are coming for you.
Number Five: Isaac meets P-Pa and Nanna
The plan was pretty simple, we'd take a break and grab lunch in Freeport, Maine the halfway point between our house and Tawney Cottage. It is a long ride and Isaac would definitely need to stretch his legs by that point. It was also the point where we'd meet Nanna and P-Pa. And just in case you don't know, LL Bean's world headquarters is there as is the biggest store I have ever seen. It is on the LL Bean Campus and they really mean Campus. It is four buildings, each bigger than a high school and a huge promenade in the center with a rock concert stage. The plan was to meet near the fish tank.
We arrived and did some shopping. Mom shopped and Dad and Isaac played around. We went to the Hunting Lodge and checked out all of the fearsome creatures, including a massive stuffed and mounted bear. Isaac did not like the bear but he also couldn't take his eyes off it. Fortunately it was in a line of sight to the fish tank. We'd go up to the bear, move away, walk around and go back. I was watching for the grandparents and Isaac was warily eying the beast.
Then suddenly I spotted Nanna and P-Pa and it was an official smooch fest. Isaac was giddy with all of the attention. But after the initial kiss kiss, he decided that he would show is grandparents the bear. They went with him and edged ever closer and then he had them walk away. Back and forth, a few times. Then Isaac took them to the "huge boot".
It was such a nice moment, seeing them see him and watching him absolutely revel in the attention and love. A mutual admiration meeting with a giant bear thrown in for good measure.
Number Four: Teasing Auntie Monica
Auntie Monica undertook a heroic journey to make it to Acadia. She was only one week into her job at MOD (no not Master of Destruction or Military Ordinance and Demolition, but Microsoft Office Division) and she had to take a break, grab the red eye, and fly across country. But such is the love of an auntie for her boy. Isaac was truly grateful. Even this evening during dinner he was still asking "Where Auntie?"
But gratitude only goes so far because while he used to love to tease his Nanna, now he is teasing his Auntie. She'd come in for a smooch and he was say "No" or she'd offer to pick him up and he run away. Despite the teasing, he still loved hanging out with her, especially because she was a rock deliverer of the first order, plopping down chucker after chucker for her nephew.
Number Three: Always a Seaman and Never a Sailor
Last year Isaac and Dad took a tentative kayak ride on the last day. This time, we were going across the bay and out for a hour or so at a time. It was a lot of fun, as the callouses on my hands can prove. But Isaac got the saying mixed up. Now he insists that he is ALWAYS a seamen. Oh well, it will be extra funny in fifteen or so years.
Number Two: P-Pa don't be silly
The day we were leaving and parting ways was a sad one, but we grabbed a breakfast at the Sea Dog Cafe, a great little place in Southwest Harbor. I had delicious grilled biscuits, probably the second best I have ever had (and you have to ask what were the first best, you have never had my grandmother's biscuits--they could start a war quicker than Helen of Troy). We are all chattting and talking, and really I can't remember what the topic was, but P-Pa said something and looked to Isaac for confirmation. Isaac waited a split second and flashed him a look that was something between incredulity, surprise, and scorn as if to say: "P-Pa, that is ridiculous." We all burst out laughing and Isaac joined in. P-Pa and Isaac are buds and it is awesome to see that they are at the stage in their relationship where they can tease and taunt each other.
Number One: Blueberry Bush
How many blueberries can you eat in one sitting? We have video proof that Isaac is a blueberry champion, but we had no idea what would happen in the wild. Tawney Cottage has a wild blueberry bush and Isaac ravaged that thing like a plague of locusts. There were a few sad leaves and green nubs left when we departed on Saturday. He just loved that thing and as soon as he woke up he was recruiting people to take him outside and pig out. Here is a shot of the little chow hound and his Nanna at the scared blueberry bush:
All in all, a great time was had by all. Next year: Sasquatch Country.
Be ready Bigfoot, we are coming for you.