Clarking with Isaac

So our trip to Philly was a huge hit, but as with most things in life surrounding a two year old, it is not always the predictable things that he liked, though he did enjoy the dinos.  On Sunday we did some major tourist things, going to the Rocky Steps in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, then to City Hall, all the way to the Liberty Bell, and then to the famous Geno's Steaks.

Here we are at the Rocky Statute:


Here is Isaac not really caring about the Liberty Bell:


And here is the attraction that Isaac actually liked, Sister City Park:

It was originally designed as a place for kids to launch little tiny sail boats but they quickly learned that the kids liked running in the water instead of playing around the water. Isaac ran in the water practically every day we were in Philly.  It was a great place to relax and play. 
Tony Sculimbrene