Which is less likely to happen?

1.  A politician admitting the truth


2.  A two year old admitting he or she is tired

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have been trading accusations and half truths for weeks now and neither side seems to want to admit when they did something wrong.  "Oh, I was only TECHNICALLY the head of Bain Capital at the time."  Like still getting a six figure paycheck "technically" right?  Maybe that is a technicality to a guy as wealthy as Mitt (who really LOOKS like a president, right? or at least the guy Hollywood casts as president; see X-Men 2 or Superman 2), but for us regular folks that is a load of change.  Or what about Barack.  Admit it, Solendra failed.  It failed big time.  It was a pet project of lefty friends; probably Susan Sarandon driving around in her dumbass Prius was one of them.

But those skirts of the truth pale in comparison to the steadfast two year old.  Isaac was beat today.  I mean zonked.  Three hours of playing with cousins, many hours outside, including one chucking rocks off a bridge with Dad, and he was beat.  We ended the day with Isaac laying on his tummy on the couch with his head resting, left check down.  He would occasionally let out a little, soft "beep, beep."

But when I asked: "Hey buddy are you tired?" he instantly snarled back with a mad but sleepy "NO!"
Tony Sculimbrene