Stop It!
When I was little there was one go-to person for learning bad words, irreverent songs, and other choice bits of culture--Mary Alice O'Connor. She taught me the Diarrhea Song and Another One Bites the Dust (awesome, especially when coming from the mouth of a six year old).
Isaac, however does not have the good fortune of living near the O'Connors, so someone other than Mary Alice has to be his source for all things slightly bad and funny. Enter Nanna. Last time they were here Nanna taught him to pick his nose. Fortunately that went by the wayside pretty quickly. This time she taught him what has rapidly become his most favorite phrase and probably his first grammatically intact and correct sentence: "Stop It!"
When you are 23 months old, this works for all sorts of things.
Don't want to get your diaper changed? Stop It!
Don't want to give up that toy in your hand? Stop It!
Don't want to go inside? Stop It!
Its GREAT! Here he is giving me a few practice Stop It! sentences:
Isaac, however does not have the good fortune of living near the O'Connors, so someone other than Mary Alice has to be his source for all things slightly bad and funny. Enter Nanna. Last time they were here Nanna taught him to pick his nose. Fortunately that went by the wayside pretty quickly. This time she taught him what has rapidly become his most favorite phrase and probably his first grammatically intact and correct sentence: "Stop It!"
When you are 23 months old, this works for all sorts of things.
Don't want to get your diaper changed? Stop It!
Don't want to give up that toy in your hand? Stop It!
Don't want to go inside? Stop It!
Its GREAT! Here he is giving me a few practice Stop It! sentences: