Always Be Negotiating

In a famous ten minute appearance, Alec Baldwin cemented his reputation in Hollywood as a total BAMF, with a role in Glengarry Glenross when he told the downtrodden salesmen--ABC A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing, Always be closing.  It was clever and intense.

Well, Isaac has the ABC mentality when it comes to be Beep Beeps.  At school he was playing with one truck and other kid was playing with another.  Isaac wanted the one the other kid was playing with, willing to give up his, even larger Beep Beep.  Isaac asked him: "Beep Beep?" pointing at the truck he wanted.  The kid said no.  Isaac asked again and got a no.  Then he pointed out the features of his own Beep Beep, saying "Bigger Beep Beep" selling the finer points of what he possessed.  Unconvinced the other kid still refused.  To our knowledge the deal never went down but Isaac was persistent and clever, the signs of a good negotiator.

On the playground and in a David Mamet play the rules are the same: ABN, A-Always, B-Be, N-Negotiating, Always be negotiating. 
Tony Sculimbrene