Tonight Isaac, Mom, and Dad took a walk that was supposed to end at St Bernard, but instead took a detour to the train tracks down behind the house.  There, like a snoring, snorting, sleeping giant lay a massive six engine cargo train.  We were no more than twenty feet away and it would occasionally let out a grunt or bellow and Isaac would squeal.  He sat on my shoulders or Bianca's for at least 20 minutes just staring at the massive locomotive.  It never took off, but a smaller (but still MASSIVE) commuter rail train whizzed by to Isaac's delight.  As we were making our way out of the parking lot next to the tracks, we saw a semi and he tooted his horn for Isaac, not once, but twice.  It was an awesome evening walk and a truly unprecedented choo-choo related event (UCCRE).

Tony Sculimbrene