Hardcore Peekaboo
Most of you are familiar with the classic game Peekaboo, but Dad and Isaac have a variant you may not know of just yet.
Isaac is a busy kid, and HATES getting his diaper changed. It is absolute torture in his mind to be forced to lay on that stupid changing pad while there are toys to play with, beep beeps to watch, choo choos to chase...you get the idea. So when he was little (like last year) we played a game called Surprise Raspberry where Dad would gently blow on his stomach and then at a surprise interval I would peel off a big old raspberry. He loved it. But now he is a little to high energy to lay still for Surprise Raspberry, so it was time to invent a new distraction/game. Hence the invention of Hardcore Peekaboo.
In this game Isaac lays very still on the changing pad and Dad ducks down beneath the edge, beyond his field of vision. Isaac starts to giggle and when the giggles reaches a fit, Dad pops up and yells peekaboo. Isaac exploded into laughter and jumps a mile a high and then says and makes the signal for "More." Dad obliges and the explosive surprise of Hardcore Peekaboo continues. He can go probably four or five peekaboos before he is out of his mind excited (Dad's pretty excited too). It is like the little guy equivalent of the "jump out" surprise in a suspense movie.
It is also a ton of fun, but then again, what isn't a ton of fun with this kid?
Isaac is a busy kid, and HATES getting his diaper changed. It is absolute torture in his mind to be forced to lay on that stupid changing pad while there are toys to play with, beep beeps to watch, choo choos to chase...you get the idea. So when he was little (like last year) we played a game called Surprise Raspberry where Dad would gently blow on his stomach and then at a surprise interval I would peel off a big old raspberry. He loved it. But now he is a little to high energy to lay still for Surprise Raspberry, so it was time to invent a new distraction/game. Hence the invention of Hardcore Peekaboo.
In this game Isaac lays very still on the changing pad and Dad ducks down beneath the edge, beyond his field of vision. Isaac starts to giggle and when the giggles reaches a fit, Dad pops up and yells peekaboo. Isaac exploded into laughter and jumps a mile a high and then says and makes the signal for "More." Dad obliges and the explosive surprise of Hardcore Peekaboo continues. He can go probably four or five peekaboos before he is out of his mind excited (Dad's pretty excited too). It is like the little guy equivalent of the "jump out" surprise in a suspense movie.
It is also a ton of fun, but then again, what isn't a ton of fun with this kid?