Beep Beepapolloza
We decided to kill our pool. It was at a point where we needed to either fix it or fill it and one was significantly cheaper than the other. That was not the only reason, safety and Dad's persistent ear infections (thank you Isaac Anthony) being two others, but the pool came to an end this week in a swirl of dust, dirt, and massive amounts of construction vehicles, all of which made Isaac apoplectic with joy on a daily basis.
Here are some of the better beep beep moments:
Here he is "driving" one:
and finally, some seriously large Beep Beeps, noting of course these were not the ones that dug up our yard (you'll see why...they are friggin' ginormous). Isaac just about loses his mind, you can tell he just starts eeek!-ing out:
Here are some of the better beep beep moments:
Here he is "driving" one:
and finally, some seriously large Beep Beeps, noting of course these were not the ones that dug up our yard (you'll see why...they are friggin' ginormous). Isaac just about loses his mind, you can tell he just starts eeek!-ing out: