Just like Daddy

My Dad and I are still working on the TV stand, though it will be done this Christmas break, almost guaranteed.  Until then we have to be extra vigilant with Isaac.  He has figured out how to eject discs out of the PS3.  He has also figured out how to put them in.  This is one of those slot feeding disc players, so you just approach the slot, gently put the disc in, and a motor takes over and the player swallows the disc.  Well, beneath the PS3 is a AM/FM receiver and beneath that there is a CD player. Between the receiver and the CD player is a slot, bigger than the PS3's but it looks similar.

Last night while hanging out in the living room, Isaac ejected the disc from the PS3 and then promptly slid it into the gap between the receiver and CD player.  He then turned to me and raised his hands in triumph, as if to say: "There you go, Dad, I helped you out."

Now I know why all of those VCRs showed up at the TV repair place I worked at in grad school full of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. 
Tony Sculimbrene