Monica and Rob Visit

Auntie Monica and Uncle Rob flew in on Friday night.  The plan was they'd hang out with all three of us on Saturday and Sunday morning then we'd all split up and Auntie Monica could go to her nerd conference (i.e. AFP's Annual Meeting).  I would give her more grief about it but the sessions look awesome--Bill Clinton and NBA legend and civil rights activist Bill Russell are the keynotes and Martin Short and Steve Martin are the entertainment.  Public Defender conferences usually rely on a witty death penalty lawyer wearing Birkenstocks and talking with a folksy Southern accent for keynotes and entertainment.  Different worlds.

Anyway, the weekend was a smash hit.  Bianca, Isaac, and I awoke on Saturday morning and were soon joined by our guests.  Isaac found a fan in Monica and a kindred soul in Rob--someone with an equally short attention span and highly high levels of energy.  In the morning we played at Coolidge ("we" does not include me, however, as my molar cracked and I had to go to the dentist as an emergency) and Isaac and Rob tossed rocks into the river.  After that we came home and prepped for the evening. 

The plan was to put Isaac down for a nap and then have the adults get ready for dinner at our favor food place Gibbet Hill Grill.  Their farm to table menu is just great.  Well, we all managed to get ready in time and we got to the restaurant around 4:30.  We had wine and appetizers and Isaac was good.  We had salads and talked and Isaac was good.  We ate at a leisurely pace and Isaac was good.  He made one loud noise the entire two hour dinner and it was when his straw fell out of his sippy cup (good reason, I know).  As we left two older patrons came up to me and said how good he was.  And really, I have to agree.  It was one of the best dinners I have ever had and Isaac was a perfect little guy. 

Sunday morning, the day of daylight savings, came quick and Isaac was able to catch Auntie Monica in bed.  They snuggled a little (really--a little like six seconds) and then Isaac was off. 

We played around at the playground and then Dad took Rob and Monica into the city.  All in all a great visit. 
Tony Sculimbrene