Grandparent Heaven II

Nanna and G-Daddy came in over the weekend arriving on Thursday evening and leaving Sunday afternoon.  It was a quick visit but a good one.  On Friday they spent the entire day with their boy.  In the morning while Dad was at work and Mom was working on an exam at home (it is Fall Break for CHOC, pronounced "Chalk") they took Isaac to the surprisingly awesome indoor play area at the Whitney Place Mall.  It is funny, as an adult without children, these places are almost invisible.  You can pass them time and time again without even seeing them.  But with kids, you scout them out, and because I am me, I try to rank them.  Whitney Place is really, really well designed.  After that, Dad came home on a half day (let's see: perfect weather, parents in from Ohio, and little guy at brainer).

When I got home we played obstacle course.  Isaac and Dad take a bunch of chairs and his playpen and block off a path through the dining room, into the living room, and sometimes out into the hallway and
through the kitchen.

We played all the way up until he had to go to bed.  All four adults and one kid had a great time.

On Saturday we went to the New England Aquarium, which was just amazing.  All of the zoos and aquariums in the past month or so have made Isaac, Dad, and Mom feel like naturalists.  Here is a shot of Isaac and one of his buddies watching fish go by:


 There was also a touch tank full of sharks and rays.  Isaac loved it, but not for the touching sharks part, more for the splashing in the water part.  All of the sharks and rays started swimming around in another direction to avoid Chubby Bubby.  Then we went outside to the seal enclosure and it was really nice (though smelly).  We discovered another Isaac:


Sleeping just over the rail was a HUGE 600 pound California Sea Lion named...Isaac.  Here he is in his turdy entirety:


Nonetheless Isaac was fascinated by his namesake.

We strolled down to Faneuil Hall for a bite to eat and we all ate outside on a beautiful fall day.  That afternoon we hung out in the workshop where Isaac took full advantage of the Pooping Policy (AGAIN):


Here he and G-Daddy are playing around with the routers and paint closet.

The next day, Sunday, was a sad day, but determined not to be mopey we went to the playground.  Here are Isaac and his Nanna at the railing to the playground (which, surprisingly, was more interesting to Isaac than the actual playground itself):


As the time to leave got nearer everyone, even Isaac, was a little sad.  We had a great time.  I think the grandparents did too. 
Tony Sculimbrene