How Does a Cute Kid Say Goodnight?

It is not exactly like how a dinosaur does, but it is still pretty cute. While in Maine Isaac, one night after a long and exciting day, was breast feeding and when he stopped he pointed over to the crib. Bianca not sure what was going on, brought him over, as it was time anyway, and put him in. He fell asleep in minutes. It was funny, but probably, we thought, a coincidence. His grandparents, however, attributed it to his budding genius. Well, on Saturday night he did the same thing and again fell asleep in minutes. Then last night, point to the crib and sleep. Isaac has always been a sleeping superstar and we are so unbelievably grateful for it, but this is just too funny. He is not QUITE a total genius yet, though. He cannot, for the life of him, figure out how to correctly use a straw. It comes in fits and starts, I guess.
Tony Sculimbrene